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Tags: religion, christianity, bible,jesus, church, god, faith, spirituality, theology, christ, politics, liberal, media, news, left wing,
Dear Faultline,
Would it be alright to write just regular Christian stuff? That usually gets them angry anyway...
Of course, I do mean issues, discussions, topical, apologetics, etc. ;)
(Watch someone think that means I did! lol)
Praying For Dollars,
Paying Christians Health care Dollars.
ahhh, well for give me but first before I address this,
We wish to say thank you to President Obama and the Obama Administration for being the first Government Officials that have created the first Anomaly, in all of U.S. History. Has this Health Care issues reached desperate measures by Government Officials offering money to Christians to pray for the sick, welllll.
I see what this is, but I must share the truth, it is a 21st. Century Of Caging. The same {two step shuffle} used to gain political support in a issue that has lost its value.
This anomaly has grown beyond your control Mr. Obama, as over 173 million American People see for the first time the truth and lies , the good and bad within this Bill to Law. Thousands of Companies seek to move out of the U.S.A., or just close up shop, people are Boycotting this Bill to Law.
Yea, it would be safe to say that 173 million people are just shaking their heads. As a father would when his child has done something stupid.
President Obama stated that he has got a lot of letters from people who are sick and as of yet he has not seen what is within the hearts of the American People. You already have a Medicare or Medicate tax forum in place, but according to insurance companies it is to base payments according to where you live. To stand with the people to build a Health Care Forum within our Government is a concept of freedom of choice. To bring companies into the forum to Rebuild America,is to say that the people will not allow any company to faultier, that stands with the people, to build the most powerful Health Care Reform ever seen.. And all Government Officials had to do is ask and millions of people would step forward.
As the news of a Boycott grows it only widens the size of this anomaly. But no ! You all are still running around like the chickens after a little bug. Well....I did warn you that I have this little Health Care Bug in my hands.
As the last 27 pages are posted at our site, people will see all the issues under one web site, as stated before, the good the bad and the ugly.....the last pages from page 49 to 100 will place 173 million people and their views as one voice. I did state that I would do this and I Know that I put a smile on Government Officials face, so allow me to show you how i did it, I used the Artificial Intelligence of the Internet. To build a Health Care Forum by the People in or Against the Bill.
Out of all of the Government Officials only one opened a blogged at
The American Spectator . This company posted on the net and Congressman Ryan dropped off his little blog.
But anyway, what we are dealing with is that some Officials think that because I lack the ability to stand before them as a Kindred Intellect that what I write does not hold truth, well, thats ok, All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait. And I assure you that this anomaly is not going away any time soon. But I do offer my congratulations again to the Obama Administration and theses Law Makers In And for The People Of The United States Of America.
Henry Massingale
FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward
do a search on google or yahoo and dont forget to click repeat search link to see the web interfacing at work.
"Of course, I do mean issues, discussions, topical, apologetics, etc." Now those are words to live by.
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