Saturday, May 23, 2009

Those Who Would Secularize Catholic Identity

Fr. John Corapi thanks signers to the petition at and urges Catholics to continue the fight for Catholic campuses. For more information on this scandal and to sign the petition visit

According to the Cardinal Newman Society, "Nearly 80 cardinals, archbishops and bishops joined the more than 367,000 of you in prayerfully opposing the Notre Dame scandal."

The Cardinal Newman Society works to strengthen and renew Catholic identity at Catholic colleges and universities.

Currently there are a number of excellent articles explaining fully the crisis presented to the Catholic church by Notre Dame last week.

Please, join The Cardinal Newman Society in offering a spiritual bouquet of prayers for these bishops by clicking here.

See Notre Dame Catholic Status Poll Results

1 comment:

Mr. Excellent said...

Where were all these staunch Catholic supporters when George Bush was giving a speech at N.D.?

Bush is pro-death penalty, and anyone who doesn't think the two are related either isn't Catholic or isn't informed on the encyclical concerning a right to life by JPII.
Here's a good start on a list:

In 2004 Alan C. Page, a pro-choice judge on the Supreme Court of Minnesota was
the speaker. He was given an honoray degree in 1993 and 2004.

In 2000 the speaker, honoray was Kofi Annan, whose position on family planning
(which itself is against Catholic dotrine) includes abortion.

Boston College:

In 2008 (did you read that? That would have been just last year), pro-choice
author David McCullough.

2006, Pro-Choice, pro-Iraq war (the Vatican denounced many times) Condoleezza

2004, Tim Russert

So I ask ye, all hypocrites, where were to protests then? Sore LOSERS.